3 комментария в “Об авторитетах

  1. Проницательно. Очень метко.
    Спасибо за свет…

    Мой тебе искренний поклон с благодарностью за то, что ЕСТЬ ТЫ и ТВОЙ СВЕТ…

  2. On authorities

    Your authorities make up the prison that keeps you in ignorance, and you are a willing prisoner. You choose these authorities for yourself and thereby create a ceiling, beyond which you wouldn’t even think of ascending. You choose them based on your conditioning; those who articulate your own conjectures, those who condone your fear, laziness, weakness, gluttony, violence, egoism, etc. become your authorities. They focalize your «I»: it will now claim to be right with some justification, with a reference to a well-known figure, writer, sage. Your affiliation with certain groups or circles will be confirmed, which will give you greater prestige. Nobody will now think of questioning your intelligence, because you are saying almost the same thing as some famous ancient philosopher… With authority you are secure, you are respectable, clever, well-educated. And always right!

    Your authority can be an academician from a scientific TV program, as well as your neighbor next door.

    You would not even lift a finger before finding out what your authority thinks about your new undertaking. And depending on his stance you will either act in that direction, or not. You don’t decide for yourself; you let your authority make the decision for you. It’s a convenient position to justify your own inaction. It’s a convenient position to shun responsibility. And if the authority fails to meet your expectations, you will replace him with another.

    To question your authorities is to you the same as questioning yourself, what you believe in, what you cling to, what constitutes your «I». However, as long as they exist, your are incapable of acting, you are dead.

    Two girls were entering an apartment block. One of them was dressed in men’s clothes, and her slim body resembled that of a boy. At the entrance to the building a jolly bunch of slightly drunk teenagers had parked themselves on a bench. One of them said in a loud voice: «Hello, girls!» The others laughed and began to shush him, saying: «Are you one of them, huh? It’s a guy!» «Where?», — the first teenager asked with amazement. «That one!», — said his friends pointing to the girl in men’s clothes. Then he began to laugh too, explaining that he had too much to drink…

    You have the capacity to see. But are you willing to? If you are, then there is the danger that you might see something that will shatter everything habitual. If not, then get yourself some authorities; they will guard you against all that.

    P.S. On authorities by visual demonstration.

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