Один комментарий в “Привычки

  1. Habits

    You are stuffed with habits, you are your habits. A habit is a well-rehearsed behavior that does not require being present, because it is performed automatically. The mind, — which is idle in this case, — is occupied with its favorite activity, namely chattering with itself about itself.

    When you are performing an action, — that is, something that is not habitual, — you need concentration, presence, because in the absence of a well-rehearsed skill there is a danger of making a mistake or not performing the action well enough. In this case, you are forced to stop your inner dialogue, because you cannot coordinate both the one and the other simultaneously; you simply don’t have enough attention for both! These moments of silence, which are still brief at this stage, destroy your description merely by not maintaining it. The «me», which is constantly consuming energy, becomes unplugged from its power source — the talking about itself. This maintains the energy and exhausts the «me». In due course, the gaps between thoughts will become longer.

    Stopping inner dialogue is the key to the unknown. Only thoughts maintain your continuity, only thoughts keep you in the past, and only thoughts prevent you from seeing. They are telling you lies, because they have nothing to do with reality, and they are stealing your time.

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